Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Tomic the Tanking Engine

Who’s that puffing down the track on the island of Sordor? Heave Ho, it’s Tomic the Tanking Engine! Here is the Fat-shamed Controller saying something to him. 
“Hello Tomic, shouldn’t you be chugging up Roland Garros Mountain to get a new improved heartilage for your main boiler.?”
“I tried to get there, I think I did. Hmm, at least I think I remember I thought I tried.”
“But Tomic, you haven’t even made it to the end of the platform.”
“It’s really hard.”
“Now Tomic, aren’t you inspired by those who have conquered Roland Garros before you, like Laver the Rocket engine and Roache the Coach train?”
“What? Who? Never heard of them. I just want to be more like Nick the Curious locomotive”
“But Tomic, he only toots his foofle valve, makes a spectacle of himself, then never goes up the mountain.”


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