Thursday, June 13, 2019

SportsBlah - French Open Barty Party Outrage

Newly crowned French Open champ, Aussie Ashleigh Barty has been widely condemned by the Australian tennis community. 
"It was a win but frankly I'm disgusted by Ash Barty's attitude," said compatriot Nick Kyrgios, winner of the Best Dummy Spit in Sport for three years in a row. 
"Where was the racquet abuse, yelling or sulking? She didn't even get into one slanging match with someone from the crowd."

Fellow Australian tennis great, winner of zero Grand Slam titles and counting, Bernard 'The Tanking Engine' Tomic also weighed in. 
"Barty's win in the final was bad enough but it was her effort in the semi that disgusted me," said Tomic at his latest post match apology press conference, "You know, she went from 5-0 up to lose the first set of the semi and was down 0-3 in the second and she didn't just give up. Unbelievable, you wouldn't catch me doing that."

There have been calls for Tennis Australia to censure Barty who, to the shock of many, has maintained her usual dignified silence.

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SportsBlah - French Open Barty Party Outrage

Newly crowned French Open champ, Aussie Ashleigh Barty has been widely condemned by the Australian tennis community.   "It was a win...